Unique Perspectives

Diversity runs in our blood. Our definition of diversity is ‘unique perspectives’. Because we know the more perspectives, the broader and more diverse our skills, experiences, talents and abilities, the better the decisions. The better the decisions, the better the experience for our consumers and the bigger our brand will become.

As a global business, we’re committed to attracting, including, empowering and developing colleagues no matter their culture, beliefs and backgrounds. We’re not a traditional business. We don’t limit the definition of differences to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disabilities, age or sexual orientation. Our definition is wider and more encompassing as we think it’s more relevant in today’s society. 

Inclusion allows diversity to stick. Our inclusive culture embraces our colleagues ‘unique perspectives’ creating a genuine sense of belonging and giving everyone an equal voice and equal opportunities. Our approach, expectations and commitment to Diversity, Inclusion and Equality are clearly set out below. 

  • Our approach

    Superdry is clear on the Diversity, Inclusion and Equality practices it embodies and the type of environment it seeks to build. We take a zero tolerance approach to discrimination or less favourable treatment of our colleagues, contractors, job applicants, third party suppliers or any other person in any way linked to us. 

    Whether directly or indirectly, on the grounds of colour, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender, gender reassignment, marital, or family status, disability, trade union membership / activity, or age. Zero tolerance also applies to bullying, harassment, victimisation or intimidation and racism. And zero means zero.

  • Our expectation

    Our expectation is for every single one of us to role model our Superdry Core Values and Behaviors which help encourage ‘unique perspectives’ and build an inclusive culture. This expectation is non-negotiable.

  • Our ambition

    Everyone here pledges to work together to ensure that they actively promote an inclusive, diverse and equal environment. Every single leader is accountable for ensuring equal opportunities and resources for every single colleague while upholding the behaviours, values and practices expected within Superdry.

    We aim for 100% of our colleagues, partners or anyone else who works for us to strongly believe that Superdry is a diverse, inclusive and equal environment, where people are encouraged to be themselves and treated with respect.